My name is Iván Madrid. I´m 13 years old.I was born in Fuenlabrada on 20 February 2005. I had lived in Loranca since I was born. My name´s mother is Susana Cano and my father´s name is Javier Madrid.
I haven´t got any brothers or sisters which means I'm an only child. I haven´t got pets but I would like to have a dog.
My favourite colours are the blue, orange and the green.
My favourite animals are the snakes.
I love listening to music, playing tenis, sending text messages, meeting my friends and watching films and series.
My favourites singers are Paulo Londra and Maikel Delacalle. My favourite group of music is Morat.
My best friends´ names are Jorge Rivas and Eva Fernández.
I am study in IES Barrio Loranca and I was study in the Velázquez.